The Cross Jesus in China (DVD)

€ 48,00

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4 hours double DVD set

Talen : Nederlands, Engels, Fins, Frans, Duits, Noorweegs, Russisch en Zweeds

An outstanding documentary of the Christian Church in China

In China, the story of the cross once seemed as strange and far away as the other side of the universe. But today its message is here, right in our midst. This documentary film consist of four episodes of appoximately one hour each.

The first episode "The Spring of life" recounts the rebirth that the Gospel has brought to a broad spectrum of people in modern China. Included are testimonies from farmers, students, officials, orphans, actors, writers, scientists and entrepeneurs.

The second episode "Seeds of Blood" we follow the bloody footprints of the Chinese missionaries of the older generation after the Boxer Rebellion, particularly in the past fifty years. The stories of Mingdao Wang, John Sung, Watchman Nee, Allen Yuan, Samuel Lamb, Moses Xie, Yang Xinfei and Epaphras are covered.

The third episode "The Bitter Cup" abounds with compelling testimonies by missionaries of the younger generation. Their dedication, suffering, faithfulness and thanksgiving have led to an unprecedented revival if the Chinese Christian Church.

The last episode "The Canaan Hymns" tells the amazing story of a farm girl named Xiao Min. She is a high school dropout with no musical training. Nevertheless, she has created nearly a thousand hymns by the power of the Holy Spirit, that are sung throughout the entire Chinese Church.


Borgbedrag € 40

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