The Life Recovery Bible (engelstalig)
The Bible for People (NLT) in 12-step Recovery from addictions
Edited by David Stoop and Stephen Arterburn
With :
- Twelve step devotionals
- Serenity prayer devotionals
- Recovery principles devotionals
- Recovery reflections
- Recovery profiles
- Recovery notes
- Topcal Bible verse finder
- Recovery themes
- Additional features
One of the first readers of The Life Recovery Bible was suicidal and addicted to crack cocaine. After six months with this Bible, her life was completely transformed by Jesus, and she quickly stepped forward to help other women find recovery. When asked what happened, she replied, "I stopped believing the lies of Satan and started believing the truths of Jesus Christ".
She was the first in the history of Life Recovery to experience a transformed life while using and applying the truths found in the Bible. History has since repeated itself with millions of others. The transforming truth in God's Word is now available to you.
We pray that God's truth will prove the foundation for an amazing life of recovery and restoration.
Steve A. and Dave A.